
New Year: Here’s to a New You and Me

The new starts from within.

                “The world rewards those who take responsibility for their own success,” wrote Curt Gerrish.

                I want to know how you celebrated you accomplishments over the last year.  Share them in the comments section below the blog and on A Creative Voice Beckon’s Face Book page.

                Now it is time to turn our attention to our insides. Cheryl Richardson, life coach and author of Life Make-Overs, wrote that “long lasting change starts on the inside.” She notes in the week #2 chapter that when we strengthen our insides, we can turn up our internal light. We can realize that our light shines brighter and we can start attracting opportunities and resources to support our goals.

                This week’s challenge is thinking about we are now today and what we want to be in the next year.  Here is a prompt:  I intend to be…(fill in the blank).

Here is my list:  I intend to be…

  • more kind and caring.
  • a better listener.
  • a strong supporter of others’ dreams.
  • More grateful and count my blessings more often.
  • More patient.
  • Bolder.

You cannot acknowledge what you want to improve or develop until you are truthful to yourself and say it out loud. Over the next fifty two weeks, it is our goal to focus on a trait that we want to develop in ourselves. My goal is to be bolder. I want to strip off my armor that I use to protect myself from harsh criticism and meanness. I want to be bolder in my speech and in my writing. I want to share my story. I want to be courageous and share what truths need to be told even though some may not want to hear.

What does being bold mean? I define boldness as courage to be yourself, despite criticisms and cultural demands to follow status quo. Being bold means daring to be different. It means taking a risk when others are afraid and discourage. I seek to meet new people outside of my comfort zone.

Now, what trait or character do you want to develop in yourself?

Here is the second part, in  order to achieve the goal we set for ourselves, we need to affirm each day our ability to do it. What do you want to affirm each day? Here is my affirmation, I am bold in spirit, action and faith. Now print out your own affirmation and hang a copy in a place that you will see each day-morning and night. I welcome you to share your affirmation with us as we travel together in making over our lives.

Here is the third part of the challenge:  Write down three things that you want to do this week to move you closer to your goal. 


Here are my goals this week: 

  • Attend the next Chamber After Hours and introduce myself to at least two people that I have not met before.
  • Share my story in my blog.
  • Volunteer to try something new or assist an organization that I have not helped before.



Richardson, Cheryl. Life Make-overs: 52 Practical Ways to Improve Your Life. Broadway Books, New York. ©2000.

Dyer, Dr. Wayne. The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way. Hay House Inc. Carlsbad, CA. ©2004.

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